Alex's Mobs

Alex's Mobs


Bald Eagle is buggy and unusable pet

uhloin opened this issue ยท 4 comments


First I spent bunch of time to create fish oil, eagle hood and glove and catch eagle to boat but what I got is just disappointment.

  1. If I switch in inventory from glove the pet is dropped and sit "on the air" one block above the ground.
  2. Eagle hood leaved in my inventory and duplicated at the head of the eagle when it "sit".
  3. I sent it fly first time and pet is teleported underground (where I first tamed it).
  4. I sent it fly again and got "hit" sound.
  5. I could fly with point of view from eagle's eyes and control pet. But at some time when I wanted return it to owner (me) I lost contact with pet and it is not returned. May be this part is duplicated one of previously reported bugs because contact was lost above the water.
  6. I found my pet wandering about forest but it lost JEI "Owner" label and ignores attempts to catch it with glove.

Second attempt after re-tame eagle was better. Bugs #1 - #4 were disappeared. May be problem was first time I tamed eagle sitting in boat? Also for first time I did not get achievement "Freedom intensifies".


Next small bug: flying eagle has hood over his head.
Also it sticking if fly to tree leaves above it.
Sometimes it sits and do nothing like control is lost.
Not bug but annoying factor: when controlled it has different mouse sensitivity against main character with huge inertia and therefore it is very hard to hit target.


One more thing: tame eagle in tight cave and after successful tame pet is teleported into wall (but not suffocated). Need break wall to find it.


Now advancement "Winning play" does not work even for distance 128 m (killed pig).
When start and immediately click game crushed with error message "Invalid entity hit" or like this.