Game Crashed whilst mouseclicked event Handler Error
Devilswarchild opened this issue ยท 11 comments
Minecraft Version
Mod Version
Crash Report
Additions and Modifications
Additions and Modifications Description
unreleased update to my public modpack:
Did the crash happen in singleplayer or on a server?
Still crashing with the mod active, Had to disable it just to load into my test world
Please open a thread on Discord. The logs don't belong to your crash. They don't include the crash and the instance doesn't even have Almost Unified installed.
Stellaris tag issue #99
Wait you are on Stellaris 1.1.7 already which should include the fix. I will need to investigate. Sorry.
Would it be possible to get an instance export of this update? I need to see the configs and the mods involved. You can send it via Discord if you don't want to share it in public. Either join our Discord or message me directly. My username is rlnt.
the configs are all default generated. I havent even gotten to a point of editing them but sure I can send it via discord
also the build in question is labeled as 0.0.2-alpha on my modpack page
I am also getting this error.
The crash is caused by a NullPointerException related to the transformerResult not being set, which occurs during the handling of the mouseClicked event. The error points to the mod "Almost Unified" and its interaction with the recipe manager.
Here's the critical part of the crash report:
java.lang.NullPointerException: transformerResult not set
at com.almostreliable.unified.utils.DebugHandler.collectRecipeError(
at com.almostreliable.unified.AlmostUnifiedCommon.onRecipeManagerError(
The mod "Almost Unified" appears to be involved in handling recipe errors, and the mouseClicked event is triggering this issue. The mod may be encountering a problem with recipes or resource reloads that it cannot handle correctly, leading to the crash.
We are aware of the crash. Commenting "I have it too" isn't helpful. We know what's causing the crash, we just didn't have time to update the mod yet. An explanation of the crash log is not necessary.
It would be much more beneficial to share your mod list so we can see which mods are involved. Attaching the crash report would be enough for that.