Almost Unified

Almost Unified


almostunified makes my mod fail when registering events with the lowest priority subscription

joe-vettek opened this issue · 7 comments


Minecraft Version


Mod Version


Describe the bug!

This question may not need a screenshot, it is like this.

My mod subscribes to the lowest priority registration event so that I can check BuiltInRegistries.BLOCK when registering to get most of the mod's blocks.
However, after using Almostunified, most of the mod's blocks are not found, although I can find my own.

For example, I can query the Regions Unexplored block in this event, but after installing Almostunified, I can't find it directly. I printed the registry and found that it was not registered at this time.

Crash Report

No response


No response

Additions and Modifications


Additions and Modifications Description

No response

Did the issue happen in singleplayer or on a server?


@SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.LOWEST)
public static void onRegisterForEnd(RegisterEvent event) {
        if (event.getRegistryKey() == Registries.BLOCK) {
for (var block : BuiltInRegistries.BLOCK.entrySet()) {}

my code


We are not doing anything in registries. We barely have startup functionality at all, especially in 1.20.1. Which mod are you referring to here? Is it open source?


Thanks for your quick reply. I think it was caused by AlmostUnified because I used a binary method to check this problem. I tested each mod one by one. I was also very surprised.


I just use and delete this jar file, the registry print result will be completely different.


This probably won't be the answer you want to hear, but I think it's best if you try to find the problem by debugging. I don't have the time capacity to find a broadly described problem that I can't explain where it might be coming from. Additionally, since this is a version that is no longer actively being updated, as we have version 1.21+ to worry about, it is unlikely that I would even have time to look at this problem. I also classify it as a niche problem. Several large modpacks use Almost Unified and so far no compatibility issues with other mods have been reported, especially when it comes to registration. We only have a single startup-related feature which is the serverOnly mode. Enabling that stops syncing modification information to the client. We don't register anything, we don't access any registries on startup and we do not change any registry-related behavior in the vanilla game. I am sorry but I don't think I can help you with this.


Thanks for your reply, maybe there are some problems with the Forge mechanism here, I wish you good luck with your mod, I also like the value of your mod.