Crash when trying to smelt mod items
Woif1990 opened this issue ยท 7 comments
Tried to smelt Chaos Ore from Silent's gems, and as soon as I try to put it in the furnace this happens:
Also happens with Thaumcraft's native clusters.
Edit: Also trying to use alumentium from Thaumcraft broke things as well.
Double Edit: Trying to smelt with Coal and make smooth stone crashes as well.
this should be it I think.
Sorry, can you test with the latest version and then tell me what happens when you try to do the same thing as you did in the initial crash?
As well, tell my if you can see the registered recipes in JEI?
Really I need a log that has information from when you start up a world, as that's when the recipe registry list is filled.
Can I get your full log?, things don't break for me with any of these items, but there is a chance that the recipe registry copying failed, because it's trying to reference a blank arraylist.
Yes please, it'll contain information that might tell me why the recipe arraylist is empty