Alternate Terrain Generation

Alternate Terrain Generation


1.11.2 major lag

RayzoRayy opened this issue ยท 12 comments


Using ATG version 2.1.4 and MC version 1.11.2. I noticed that when I create a world using ATG letting it load for a bout 5 minutes, generate all the chunks and what not, whenever I look around and move it drops the FPS from about 200 to 25-40 FPS. If I move around but dont turn the camera to look around, it doesn't drop FPS. Tested on a regular world generation, no issues at all. It doesn't crash just causes lots of lag, I did not have this issue on 1.10.2, just 1.11.2. I understand its experimental as well, just thought I'd let you know. I have a high end gaming computer so I don't think my PC is the issue here.


Duplicate of #10


Breaking and placing the blocks causes this too, but it's already been posted as an issue.


The lag seems to be coming from getGrassColours(), there is also significant memory usage from the GrassCacheKey object which causes the garbage collection to occur much more frequently.


Already known as of days ago. Already "fixed" through config option in dev. Not yet published.


as far as i understud forgecraft has a version what is fixed but it is not released for puplic yet


I built my own version with the grass color code disabled, the latest from the 1.11.2 branch does sort of work reasonably well but I was a bit concerned with the high memory throughput so I disabled it entirely.
You can download it here


@Chryseus , thanks for the link but it says forbidden, cant open link :)


I must remember to check permissions in future, it's fixed now.


thanks, downloaded and try it out atmo. It maybe my mistake but i have the mod minecraft colonist installed and with your version of ATG i cant access the builder tables. I just restart minecraft at the moment and try again.
OMG you should slap me, i copied your version in but didnt remove the other from the folder, now everything is working fine, thanks mate.


please publish the fix so we all can use the mod ... its an awesome mod and i love the world it does create


Bump for question, is it an already existing option that can be changed until "fixed" ?


ty @Chryseus for fixing. cheers