Suggestion... Direct power import
xannor opened this issue · 6 comments
I understand not wanting AF to be just another power tier, but the limit of the HV connector, paired with the capacity of the AF network, makes mass power insertion a pain. I think a one way connector, only for putting power into the network, would be awesome.
The AF Transformer actually does accept lower tiers of wire. It just looks a little odd because the model doesn't change from showing a HV connector. Is that alright?
(Sorry about taking so long to respond, For some reason, notifications for GitHub don't come through well for me.)
I was more thinking of a high bandwidth input. For example I use extreme reactors and zetta industries, so I can generate and dscharge 30k, but immersive engineering only supports 4k per connection. Ideally I would like to be able to dump from the battery right into the AF network. For output I am fine with the IE limits but it is kind of annoying to have to use 3 hv capacitors with 6 hv connectors apiece just to dump power in.
Oh, I see what you're saying. Hmm. Part of my idea for this was that it was slightly inconvenient, but I'll think about it.
What would be most useful is a transformer converts different energy systems to and from AF. So other mods like IC2 and Buildcraft can be used more efficiently... IDK how all that works but it's just a though..
I have an idea to add a power port on the AF Transformer that would take power like any other IE machine, and directly covert it to AF. (Or I might just make a new, more expensive block for this purpose.) This would allow you to say, stick a transformer right onto your reactor and get AF out of it. You'd still have to covert back to IE flux and other systems the regular way, but it would take a large deal of complexity out of getting AF into the system. A port like this should theoretically accept any kind of power that other IE blocks can.
That being said, I haven't worked on this mod in a while, so I need to get back to it before that happens.