Alternating Flux Crashes on Start-up
coldReactive opened this issue ยท 12 comments
The game crashed whilst there was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail
The game crashed whilst there was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail
Error: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderExceptionModCrash: Caught exception from Alternating Flux (alternatingflux)
Crash Log:
Duplicate of #8. The fix has not been released yet.
Appears the fix was merged in #9 but just hasn't been packaged and pushed to Curseforge?
Does anyone know how to fix the curseforge version after downloading or download the fixed version?
Seems @AntiBlueQuirk hasn't posted anything on GitHub in a couple of weeks, but they've been active this month. Not sure why a fix that was merged a month ago hasn't made it to Curseforge yet, and unfortunately, I don't know how to properly package for doing it ourselves
Alternating Flux updated a week ago, with this changelog:
Fixed bug with IE 0.12-89 - Fix authored by BrisingrAerowing
Is this issue fixed?