Lag spikes upon seeing player
Permanently opened this issue ยท 4 comments
When AmbientSounds is enabled, everything works fine... until you see another player. Whenever a player is render, the game goes unbelievably laggy, dropping to about 5 FPS.
If needed:
Java 17 version: 64x
Minecraft version: 1.19.3
Fabric version: 0.14.13
Mod list
Does it happen with only AmbientSounds and CreativeCore installed? I need more information. What version of AmbientSounds are you using? Do you have enough RAM assigned? Maybe use /ambient-debug to see what is going (maybe a large number of sounds are playing for some reason)?
As soon as I submitted this ticket, the issue stopped, hence why I've not responded as I've been waiting to see whether it'd happen again. It's just one of those classic TV moments where you show something to someone just as it stops.
I'll update this ticket if it happens again, and I'll make sure to clip it.