AmbientSounds 5

AmbientSounds 5


owolib stops sounds from playing[1.19.3]

Erik9996 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


When using owolib in conjunction with this mod, none of the ambient sounds play even though it says they are playing in the debug screen.


I think you are running into a known issue. In some regions the config gets corrupted as soon as you open up the config menu of ambientsounds. I highly recommend to update to 1.19.4, it is fixed there. You can also fix it for 1.19.3, by either deleting the config file config/ambientsounds-client.json or going to the config screen via the command /cmdclientconfig and type in 0.005 for both fade-volume and fade-pitch, but remember as soon as you open the config screen again it will get corrupted (unless if you type in the values manually).


Yes that was it, thank you