AmbientSounds 5

AmbientSounds 5


Spatial audio support?

ThemovieaYT opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Hello! I am Themoviea and was playing All of Fabric 7 with your mod on it. I like your ambient sounds as it makes the game more alive. However, I noticed that the ambient sounds seem like it's only using stereo. Minecraft officially supports 3D spacial audio using the HRTF directional audio feature. I thought it would be cool to add that support to the mod somehow because it would feel even more fantastic hearing it in headphones. Cheers!



Unfortunately this is not possible. AmbientSounds analysis the environment and plays sounds that fit. They are not bound to any location. That's why I cannot use directional sound. I thought about fixing it by playing these sounds at random locations but this is quite an ambiguous task. I feel like it is not worth the time investment. It will also impact performance in a bad way. It would need a lot more calculations to make this work properly. Maybe at some point in the future I do it (if I have a good idea), but for now it will stay as it is.