AmbientSounds 5

AmbientSounds 5


How do I disable it for new dimensions from mods?

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Hello, I have Galacticraft on my server and when I use Ambient Surroundings I'm hearing cricket noises on the planets, I'm wondering how I could edit the config to exclude those biomes/dimensions from the mod?


I could do that, but I need the name of the dimensions.

Is there an official list or can you find them out ingame?


I have the name of the dimensions here. Here's the dimensions and the ID numbers:

Mars (-29)
Moon (-28)
Overworld Space Stations (-27)
Static Space Stations (-26)
Asteroids (-30)
Venus (-31)

If possible I'd like all of them with the exception of Mars and Venus to be silent.

EDIT: For Venus and Mars, put whatever you'd think appropriate for either of those planets if you already have it available. No need to overwork yourself for me, thank you!


Hey sorry, I wanted to respond a lot earlier, but somehow forgot about it.

Feel free to give some suggestions related to venus and mars. I could add some windy sounds easily. The difficult part is to figure out what is suitable. I would love to add some extra sounds for these planets. Just let me know what you think about it.


The only ambiance I would imagine would be fitting for Mars/Venus is like a windy-wasteland type of thing. If you have a sound in the mod that already does that you can just use that


Uploaded the new version to curseforge, should be available soon. Hope everything works fine now and let me know what you think about the wind sound for mars/ venus.


Awesome! Can I get a link to the jar?


I just tested it out and I'm still hearing birds chirping and stuff on Venus. I even made sure to delete the old config. I haven't tested Mars yet due to time but could you look into that?


The thing is I need the exact names of the dimension. The ones you gave me unfortunately do not represent the internal ones (as it seems). So I added the dimension name to the debug screen. Just download this version here, type in /ambient-debug and send the dim-name to me (on the top right).


You might also try out v3.0.8, which might fix your issue as well:

If not make sure to send the names of the dimensions.


Oh yes I apologize, I found the biome IDs on the wiki. Lemme check that other download and see if it works

Moon - moon
Mars - marsFlat (should have wind)
Asteroids - asteroids
Overworld Space Station - space
Venus - planetVenus (should have wind)

All others should have no sound at all, not even cave sounds

Lemme try that second download


The version you sent me has no sound on Mars/Venus, but there's no birds chirping


The new version v3.0.9 should fix it. Sorry that it took so long ... thanks for your help! Just let me know if everything is fine or not.


Guess it is fixed now. Thanks for your help. If there is anything I can do further just let me know.