Ancient Aether

Ancient Aether


[1.20.1] Holes in Lakes

Reshy opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I was testing out the mod and I noticed some strange generation with the Sky Lake biome:

I imagine by default they're all supposed to look like this:
2024-06-03_03 33 30

Rather than like this:
2024-06-03_03 33 23
2024-06-03_03 36 05

May be worth looking at doing another pass on how the waterfalls generate so there's less patchiness to it or random gaps.

Also, since I'm talking about this biome, it may be worth doing some sort of foliage/fish pass on the lake itself to make it stand out a bit more, empty lakes with nothing in them feels wrong.
2024-06-03_03 31 53


This isn't fixable at the moment and also isn't really as an issue, fish and more vegetation will come eventually