![Ancient Artifacts [Fabric]](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/825/282/256/256/638210884310576215_animated.gif)
Exception loading blockstate definition, missing model for variant
thcrt opened this issue ยท 2 comments
When loading the game with Ancient Artifacts, I get a large number of warnings that look like this:
[20:53:25] [Worker-ResourceReload-3/WARN] (Minecraft) Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ancientartifacts:blockstates/chachapoyan_idol.json' missing model for variant: 'ancientartifacts:chachapoyan_idol#elderian_monument=true,facing=west,key=true,pendant=true,scales=false'
[20:53:25] [Worker-ResourceReload-3/WARN] (Minecraft) Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ancientartifacts:blockstates/chachapoyan_idol.json' missing model for variant: 'ancientartifacts:chachapoyan_idol#elderian_monument=true,facing=east,key=true,pendant=false,scales=true'
[20:53:25] [Worker-ResourceReload-3/WARN] (Minecraft) Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ancientartifacts:blockstates/chachapoyan_idol.json' missing model for variant: 'ancientartifacts:chachapoyan_idol#elderian_monument=true,facing=south,key=true,pendant=false,scales=false'
[20:53:25] [Worker-ResourceReload-3/WARN] (Minecraft) Exception loading blockstate definition: 'ancientartifacts:blockstates/chachapoyan_idol.json' missing model for variant: 'ancientartifacts:chachapoyan_idol#elderian_monument=true,facing=west,key=true,pendant=false,scales=false'
There are many, many lines of this text printed to the console, referring to different blockstate definitions and variants. While it's not an error and doesn't cause crashes, I'd be interested to see whether this is a known issue.
Sorry if I'm missing something obvious, I'm not a Java developer and don't have experience with Minecraft mod internals. I'm trying to put together a modpack and investigating each error in the log to both improve stability and also learn a bit along the way.
Additional info
MC version: 1.20.1
Mod loader: Fabric 0.15.6
Mod version: 1.0.31-1.20
Mod list (click to expand)
- adaptive-tooltips 1.3.0 - advancementplaques 1.4.11 - alternate-current 1.7.0 - ancientartifacts 1.0.31-1.20 - antique-atlas 1.1.4+1.20 \-- folk_sisby_kaleido-config 0.1.1+1.1.0-beta.3 - antique-fwaystones 1.1.0+1.19 - appleskin 2.5.1+mc1.20 - architectury 9.1.12 - artifacts 9.2.0 |-- cardinal-components-base 5.2.2 |-- cardinal-components-entity 5.2.2 |-- expandability 9.0.0 |-- porting_lib_attributes 2.1.1093+1.20 | |-- porting_lib_core 2.1.1093+1.20 | \-- porting_lib_gametest 2.1.1093+1.20 \-- step-height-entity-attribute 1.2.0 - attributefix 21.0.4 - autotag-convention 2.0.2+1.20 \-- autotag 2.0.2+1.20 - badpackets 0.4.3 - balm-fabric 7.2.1 - bbs 1.20.1-0.1.3 - better_log4j_config 1.2.0 - betteranimationscollection 8.0.0 - betterclouds 1.3.13+1.20.1 - betterthirdperson 1.9.0 - blur 3.1.0 |-- midnightlib 1.4.1 \-- satin 1.13.0 - bookshelf 20.1.8 - charmofundying 6.4.5+1.20.1 - cloth-config 11.1.118 \-- cloth-basic-math 0.6.1 - clumps - collective 7.30 - comforts 6.3.5+1.20.1 \-- spectrelib 0.13.15+1.20.1 |-- com_electronwill_night-config_core 3.6.5 \-- com_electronwill_night-config_toml 3.6.5 - compacthelpcommand 2.5 - controlling 12.0.2 - cosmetic-armor 1.6.0 - crafttweaker 14.0.32 |-- org_javassist_javassist 3.29.0-GA \-- org_reflections_reflections 0.10.2 - creativecore 2.11.15 \-- net_minecraftforge_eventbus 6.0.3 - debugify 1.20.1+2.0 - deuf_refabricated 1.1.0 - dragonloot 1.1.4 - dynamic_fps 3.3.3 - effectdescriptions 8.0.2 - emi 1.1.0+1.20.1+fabric - emi_enchanting 0.1.0+1.20.1 - emi_loot 0.6.5+1.20.1 - emiffect 1.1.2+mc1.20.1 - emitrades 1.2.1+mc1.20.1 \-- org_quiltmc_parsers_json 0.2.1 - enchdesc 17.0.13 - enhancedblockentities 0.9+1.20 |-- advanced_runtime_resource_pack 0.6.7 \-- spruceui 5.0.0+1.20 - entity_model_features 1.2.3 - entity_texture_features 5.2.2 \-- org_apache_httpcomponents_httpmime 4.5.10 - entityculling 1.6.2-mc1.20.1 - environmentz 2.0.8 \-- satin 1.13.0 - equipmentcompare 1.3.8 - exordium 1.2.1-mc1.20.1 - expanded_tooltips 1.20.1-1.1.0-fabric - explorerscompass 1.20.1-2.2.3-fabric - fabric-api 0.91.0+1.20.1 |-- fabric-api-base 0.4.30+7abfd51577 |-- fabric-api-lookup-api-v1 1.6.35+4d8536c977 |-- fabric-biome-api-v1 13.0.12+215bbe9677 |-- fabric-block-api-v1 1.0.10+92a0d36777 |-- fabric-block-view-api-v2 1.0.0+92a0d36777 |-- fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1 1.1.40+b3afc78b77 |-- fabric-client-tags-api-v1 1.1.1+97bb207577 |-- fabric-command-api-v1 1.2.33+f71b366f77 |-- fabric-command-api-v2 2.2.12+b3afc78b77 |-- fabric-commands-v0 0.2.50+df3654b377 |-- fabric-containers-v0 0.1.63+df3654b377 |-- fabric-content-registries-v0 4.0.10+57aed33f77 |-- fabric-convention-tags-v1 1.5.4+a1a980da77 |-- fabric-crash-report-info-v1 0.2.18+aeb40ebe77 |-- fabric-data-generation-api-v1 12.3.3+d7b148e077 |-- fabric-dimensions-v1 2.1.53+8536527b77 |-- fabric-entity-events-v1 1.5.22+b3afc78b77 |-- fabric-events-interaction-v0 0.6.1+e91849a877 |-- fabric-events-lifecycle-v0 0.2.62+df3654b377 |-- fabric-game-rule-api-v1 1.0.39+ae9f657a77 |-- fabric-item-api-v1 2.1.27+b3afc78b77 |-- fabric-item-group-api-v1 4.0.11+d7b148e077 |-- fabric-key-binding-api-v1 1.0.36+fb8d95da77 |-- fabric-keybindings-v0 0.2.34+df3654b377 |-- fabric-lifecycle-events-v1 2.2.21+b3afc78b77 |-- fabric-loot-api-v2 1.2.0+96dfa95977 |-- fabric-loot-tables-v1 1.1.44+9e7660c677 |-- fabric-message-api-v1 5.1.8+d7b148e077 |-- fabric-mining-level-api-v1 2.1.49+b3afc78b77 |-- fabric-model-loading-api-v1 1.0.2+709a987177 |-- fabric-models-v0 0.4.1+9386d8a777 |-- fabric-networking-api-v1 1.3.10+eeb8eb3677 |-- fabric-networking-v0 0.3.50+df3654b377 |-- fabric-object-builder-api-v1 11.1.2+4ee0bc6077 |-- fabric-particles-v1 1.1.1+201a23a077 |-- fabric-recipe-api-v1 1.0.20+b3afc78b77 |-- fabric-registry-sync-v0 2.3.2+4df89eb277 |-- fabric-renderer-api-v1 3.2.0+39a511ba77 |-- fabric-renderer-indigo 1.5.0+39a511ba77 |-- fabric-renderer-registries-v1 3.2.45+df3654b377 |-- fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1 0.3.36+92a0d36777 |-- fabric-rendering-fluids-v1 3.0.27+b3afc78b77 |-- fabric-rendering-v0 1.1.48+df3654b377 |-- fabric-rendering-v1 3.0.7+b3afc78b77 |-- fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1 2.3.7+29de845d77 |-- fabric-resource-loader-v0 0.11.9+132c48c177 |-- fabric-screen-api-v1 2.0.7+b3afc78b77 |-- fabric-screen-handler-api-v1 1.3.29+b3afc78b77 |-- fabric-sound-api-v1 1.0.12+b3afc78b77 |-- fabric-transfer-api-v1 3.3.3+c81d263177 \-- fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1 4.3.0+6c31357e77 - fabric-language-kotlin 1.10.17+kotlin.1.9.22 |-- org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-reflect 1.9.22 |-- org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib 1.9.22 |-- org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 1.9.22 |-- org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 1.9.22 |-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_atomicfu-jvm 0.23.1 |-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm 1.7.3 |-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8 1.7.3 |-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-datetime-jvm 0.5.0 |-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm 1.6.2 |-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm 1.6.2 \-- org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm 1.6.2 - fabricloader 0.15.6 \-- mixinextras 0.3.2 - fastback 0.15.6+1.20.1-fabric |-- com_googlecode_javaewah_javaewah 1.2.3 |-- fabric-permissions-api-v0 0.2-SNAPSHOT |-- net_i2p_crypto_eddsa 0.3.0 |-- org_apache_sshd_sshd-common 2.10.0 |-- org_apache_sshd_sshd-core 2.10.0 |-- org_eclipse_jgit_org_eclipse_jgit |-- org_eclipse_jgit_org_eclipse_jgit_ssh_apache |-- packet_tweaker 0.4.0+1.19.4 \-- server_translations_api 2.0.0+1.20 \-- packet_tweaker 0.4.0+1.19.4 - faster_entity_animations 1.6 - fastpaintings 1.20-1.2.4 - faux-custom-entity-data 6.0.1 - ferritecore 6.0.1 - forgeconfigapiport 8.0.0 - fwaystones 3.3.2+mc1.20.1 - fzzy_core 0.4.2+1.20.1 - gear_core 0.3.7+1.20.1 - gearifiers 0.6.0+1.20.1 \-- reach-entity-attributes 2.4.0 - guarding 2.4.0 |-- mm 2.3 \-- scribe 1.20.1-0.5.0-alpha - heracles 1.1.8 \-- hermes 1.5.0 - highlighter 1.1.6 - iceberg 1.1.18 - immediatelyfast 1.2.10+1.20.4 \-- net_lenni0451_reflect 1.3.2 - indium 1.0.27+mc1.20.1 - inventoryprofilesnext 1.10.9 - itemborders 1.2.0 - itemphysic 1.7.0 - jade 11.7.0 - java 17 - lambdabettergrass 1.5.2+1.20.1 - lambdynlights 2.3.2+1.20.1 |-- pride 1.2.0+1.19.4 \-- spruceui 5.0.0+1.20 - lazydfu 0.1.3 - leavemybarsalone 8.0.0 - legendarytooltips 1.4.4 - letmedespawn 1.2.0 - leveltextfix 7.0.2 - libipn 4.0.1 - lithium 0.11.2 - lmft 1.0.2+1.20 - logbegone 1.0.8 - maptooltip 3.0.0 - maxhealthfix 12.0.2 - memoryleakfix 1.1.5 - mindfuldarkness 8.0.2 - minecraft 1.20.1 - mixin-conflict-helper 1.2.0 - mixintrace 1.1.1+1.17 - modelfix 1.14 - modernfix 5.12.1+mc1.20.1 \-- mixinextras 0.3.2 - modmenu 7.2.2 - moonlight 1.20-2.9.7 - moreculling 1.20.4-0.22.1 |-- conditional-mixin 0.3.2 \-- mixinsquared 0.1.1 - moremobvariants 1.2.2 - mousetweaks 2.25 - naturescompass 1.20.1-2.2.3-fabric - neat 1.20-35-FABRIC \-- fiber 0.23.0-2 - nerb 0.3 - netherchested 8.0.3 \-- puzzlesapi 8.1.5 |-- cardinal-components-base 5.2.2 |-- cardinal-components-entity 5.2.2 \-- puzzlesaccessapi 8.0.9 - netherportalfix 13.0.1 - notenoughanimations 1.7.0 - notenoughcrashes 4.4.7+1.20.1 - owo 0.11.2+1.20 \-- blue_endless_jankson 1.2.2 - pickupnotifier 8.0.0 - prism 1.0.5 - puzzleslib 8.1.16 - quickrightclick 1.4 - radiantgear 2.1.0+1.20.1 - raised 3.1.1 - reeses-sodium-options 1.6.5+mc1.20.1-build.95 - reputation 0.2.4+jade.1.20 - resourcefullib 2.1.21 |-- com_teamresourceful_bytecodecs 1.0.2 \-- com_teamresourceful_yabn 1.0.3 - rpgz 0.6.0 - seamless 2.2.2 - searchables 1.0.2 - skinlayers3d 1.6.2 - slotcycler 8.0.1 - smoothscrollingrefurbished 1.1.2 - smoothswapping - sodium 0.5.3 - sodium-extra 0.5.1+mc1.20.1-build.112 |-- caffeineconfig 1.3.0+1.17 \-- crowdin-translate 1.4+1.19.3 - spark 1.10.53 - stackdeobfuscator 1.4.2+bf1fc22 |-- dev_booky_common_ 1.4.2+bf1fc22 \-- net_fabricmc_mapping-io 0.3.0 - stendhal 1.4.1-1.20 \-- libgui 8.0.1+1.20 |-- jankson 5.0.1+j1.2.2 \-- libninepatch 1.2.0 - survival-tooltips 1.0.0+1.20.1 - things 0.3.3+1.20 \-- lavender 0.1.0-pre.18+1.20 |-- lavender-md 0.1.0-pre.3+1.20 \-- lavender-md-owo-ui 0.1.0-pre.3+1.20 - threadtweak 1.20.2-0.1.1 - tia 1.20-1.1 - tipsmod 12.0.4 - trinkets 3.7.1 - unsafe-world-random-access-detector 1.1.0 - visualworkbench 8.0.0 - wso16 1.2 - yeetusexperimentus 2.3.0-build.4+mc1.20.1 - yet_another_config_lib_v3 3.2.1+1.20 |-- com_twelvemonkeys_common_common-image 3.10.0-SNAPSHOT |-- com_twelvemonkeys_common_common-io 3.10.0-SNAPSHOT |-- com_twelvemonkeys_common_common-lang 3.10.0-SNAPSHOT |-- com_twelvemonkeys_imageio_imageio-core 3.10.0-SNAPSHOT |-- com_twelvemonkeys_imageio_imageio-metadata 3.10.0-SNAPSHOT |-- com_twelvemonkeys_imageio_imageio-webp 3.10.0-SNAPSHOT \-- org_quiltmc_parsers_gson 0.2.1
These warnings are a non-issue because the mod is expecting every model variant for a block to be created for every possible state value. If only certain values for states are possible or relevant in game for that particular block, then the remaining block models and states do not need to be defined. If you are missing for example the East facing model for a block, you will quickly see the model for the block missing in game. This usually never crashes your game, the block model will just be purple and black checkers indicating the model is missing. When you have multiple states and values, it becomes redundant to set unused ones.