Ancient Spellcraft

Ancient Spellcraft


Pocket Dimension completely empty

Awoo-desu opened this issue ยท 5 comments


When entering the pocket dimension using the master-tier sorcery magic of the same name, it sends me to a void which instantly kills me. No blocks, no nothing. Unsure whether this is intentional or not.

Alternate issue that i find funny, but I think it's on IAF's side, ice and fire dragon nests spawn in said dimension. Version 1.1.1, using Electrobobs 4.3.1.


Should be fixed in 1.2.0


I have this issue as well on a server, but I think mine is due to player data but I could be wrong.


Hi, its not intentional, there should be a 11x11 box as the pocket. Is this a server or SSP? Anything related in the logs?


When using the Mod Ice and Fire you need to disable dragon spawns in the pocket dimension in the Ice and Fire config. I had the same issue and disabled dragons spawning in other dimensions and it seemed to fix this.


I'll rework the Pocket Dim spell's code as falling in the void due to missing pocket is a common error. Regarding I&F, they should probably add checks to their entities to not just spam them everywhere by default