[1.7.10]World Gen structures not spawning.
Xtronius opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Version: ancientwarfare-2.2.68-beta-MC1.7.10
Nothing in world gen is spawning no matter what values I change the values in the config to and not matter if I use a structure pack or not. I get this error message many times when in debug mode:
[05:03:42] [Server thread/ERROR] [AncientWarfare]: [DEBUG] rejecting due to target block mismatch of: minecraft:dirt valid blocks are: [clay, lapis_ore, lit_redstone_ore, stone, tile.bop.mud, carpet, gravel, coal_block, diamond_ore, tile.bop.generic.crag_rock, ice, snow, netherrack, tile.bop.generic.hard_dirt, tile.bop.redRocks, dirt, redstone_ore, mycelium, tile.bop.holyStone, bedrock, sand, grass, tile.bop.ash, tile.MoCDirt, iron_ore, tile.bop.originGrass, soul_sand, snow_layer, tile.bop.generic.dried_dirt, stained_hardened_clay, tile.bop.generic.hard_ice, tile.bop.generic.ash_stone, coal_ore, gold_ore, tile.bop.generic.hard_sand]
From the names in the 'valid blocks list' it looks like you are using a 1.6.4 template. They will not work for world gen.
Due to changes in MC block/item name handling, templates need to be rescanned to update the names.
In short: world gen -does- work. I have verified this recently (see posts in the main forum thread). However you need to create your own templates using the included 'Structure Scanner' item in the Structures tab. -Hopefully- I will be able to have an updated structure pack available soon which will include a few structures and can at least serve as examples for others to create their own.