Ancient Warfare 2

Ancient Warfare 2


Dedicated Server Capabilities.dat bloat

SevArktic opened this issue · 3 comments


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Context Environment

Minecraft version: 1.12.2

Ancient Warfare 2 version: ancientwarfare-1.12.2-

Minecraft Forge version: Forge-

Link to your crash log (if the game crashes):

If you are using a modpack, link to the pack:

Expected Behavior

Ideally, on a dedicated server, not cause 1.5s lag spikes every 45 seconds on server auto saves while "/save-on" is true

Current Behavior

With a large enough list of entries in capabilities.dat located in the /data folder of your world save, a dedicated server's TPS will tank for a ~1.5s interval while the capabilities.dat file is being saved along with every other operation that runs on the autosave interval. Cause is capabilities.dat bloat.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Have Dedicated Server.
  2. Have many friends who explore a bunch at maximum possible velocity.
  3. Watch the capabilities.dat grow from roughly 11KB in size to 5MB in size over a few weeks.
  4. Watch the millisecond response time/TPS diminish every 45 seconds.

Possible Solution

My proposition? Either:
A) Clear the capabilities.dat data, either by incrementally pushing it's changes to another data structure, or by routinely wiping the Ancient Warfare data from it.
B) Stop using the capabilities.dat for data storage.



btw I love the work that ya'll are doin', the mod is fantastic, I simply want to look into methods to reduce the mod's overhead and tick expenditures on chaos/survival servers

keep on keepin' on, and I look forward to a dev response <3


I can confirm that after about a month of playing with friends on a server the tps stutter every 45 seconds started to become unpleasant.

My capabilities.dat file, currently 1.08 MB:


My solutions are the same as SevArktic. Any of them would be enough in my opinion.


Thanks guys. Yes, confirmed, this is an issue. Coders will try and fix.