Resetting Config - Faction NPC targetting
MohawkyMagoo opened this issue ยท 3 comments
I'm getting a problem whereby if I don't set the config to "read only" it resets itself and writes new data into itself for NPC cavalry and mounted archers. It doesn't delete anything, it simply adds new blank entries above these two existing entries in each faction, like this:
# Default targets for: bandit cavalrys
S:bandit.cavalry.targets <
# Default targets for: bandit cavalrys
S:bandit.cavalry.targets <
GrimoireOfGaia.Cobble Golem
GrimoireOfGaia.Cobblestone Golem
The whole targeting system then shuts down and the NPC's don't target unless they are attacked. The only way I can stop the config resetting is by having it on read only.
Removing or adding targets in bandit.cavalry.targets option worked as expected on my side.
I doubt cavalry or mounted archers would have a different behaviors than other options, since they are totally identical in the code.
It doesn't happen when I make changes, there is no issue with that at all. It happens at random times, if the config is not on read-only.