Ancient Warfare 2

Ancient Warfare 2


Feature request. World Generation per dimension

gollariel opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Would be nice to have a whitelist of dimensions to enable world generation. First of all it useful if you already have the world, also it can help like me when I want to have the generation, but it looks strange with quark_realistic and traverse. (For example when the house of woodcutter generates in the center of the lake :))


Dimension whitelist already exists - you need to set dimension whitelist to true in the AW structure template that you want to spawn and thenenter the dimesion ID.

On the other issue - Unfortunately some biome mods use large areas of water which they dont define as "water" - this includes BOP, Quark and Traverse - so AW structures have no way of knowing what is water and what is land in these biomes - you can test this by flying over the "lake" in creative and see what biome it gives you.


I miss Dimension whitelist. I see... so will be better to use standard generation for ancient warfare... Thanks a lot!


hm. I checked the templates.... If I understand correctly I can not just add whitelisted dimension, It always must be changed in each .aws file. Previously disabled default template file... Looks like very complex thing... Also, I not sure where can I get default file? I downloaded mohawky_structure_pack directory...

I think my request can still be here. Obviously will be easier to change dimension in one config file


Unfortunately, that is not how we plan to organize our structure system. You'll need to go structure file by structure file