Future level progression suggestions
KamiSami opened this issue ยท 6 comments
(Also note, since these are suggestions, you can do with these ideas however you please as it is your nod or just ignore these.) I had couple ideas if you plan to do even higher level skills later on, for offence class an level 20 skill, constant white stream of light, dealing tons of damage (Something similiar to Touhou Marisa's Master Spark, just white, would work on bosses aswell), level 16 would cause somesort holy magical circle under you, causing holy projectiles spawn above you and homing to all nearby enemies for quite awhile, the effect follows you as you move too. And then of course some passives, maybe something new aswell? Not sure what could be new passives for the classes at least yet. For healer, level 20 skill would fully recover and cure any status ailments for everyone within several chunks radius, would cause massive magical circle in sky that can be seen from quite a distance (I don't think this skill should affect undead bosses for balance, or maybe if it did, it does fixed amount of damage instead one hitting, these last skills could have very long cooldown). Level 16, Auto revive, pretty self explaining, very few uses and very long cooldown, revives you back to half of your max health and the effect stays indefinetily maybe? And then, defender class... Level 20, gives you very glowy effect, but makes you completely invincible against anything for small amount of time, long cooldown and very few uses aswell. Level 16, this might be bit too unique perhaps? But summons temporary shield that has infinite durability, but it only can be summoned, and lasts only certain amount of time, and granted resistance 2 effect and 5 absorption hearts. Hmm, armor, offence class should probably be something between robes and metallic parts, so basically light armor, white robes with gold metal pieces, maybe even better version for all other armors towards more lategame. Healer, just white robes and defender golden armor. If you want an absolute endgame item it probably should be archangel wings or cherub wings perhaps? Anyway, i hope at least the ideas sounds nice even if you may not plan adding these. I just like holy stuff i guess. :P Anyway, thanks for the mod.
I'd love to be able to select another class without losing all the progress in the actual class. When selecting a class, each class would start with zero xp points. But when switching back, then every progress made in the old class would be available instantly.
Armor is def on the list and has been, I've just been too busy to get around to it. I do however like the other ideas, my main concern with adding more levels or skills is rendering them on the GUI lol. I need to figure something out for that and maybe fix #11
The other ideas for sure i'll keep on my mind.
Suggestion: How about spells NOT being determined by ability. A few spells are, but taking a level in a class allows you to take certain spells. For example, at 1st level, you can cast Nimbus Ray, x, and y. Then when you reach a higher level, you can cast a and b, and so on. That doesnt mean all spells have to be non ability, but I just feel that most spells should be available.
Another idea: Spell points. Spells consume a certain amount of spell points, which are slowly regained when at full health or when sleeping. Spell points increase with levels and abilities.
I specifically want to avoid the concept of a spellpoint pool and global spells. I had a concept of a spellpoint pool under the name of divine power very early in development but quickly threw the idea out.
For the spells, I mean as in spells are restricted by level and by class, so a warrior doesnt have access to blade barrier.
Renaming this and keeping the armor idea in a separate issue: #29