Angel of Vengeance

Angel of Vengeance


0.5.1 Infinite Gl Error loop in log

mcfilmmakers opened this issue ยท 8 comments


I have version 0.5.1 running and regardless of forge version, I get an infinite GL Error report in my log.

Normally I would ignore it but it makes my log file way too big in file size to be acceptable:

[18:58:45] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
[18:58:45] [main/ERROR]: @ Post render
[18:58:45] [main/ERROR]: 1281: Invalid value
[18:58:45] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
[18:58:45] [main/ERROR]: @ Post render
[18:58:45] [main/ERROR]: 1281: Invalid value
[18:58:45] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
[18:58:45] [main/ERROR]: @ Post render
[18:58:45] [main/ERROR]: 1281: Invalid value
[18:58:45] [main/ERROR]: 1281: Invalid value
.... repeat ad infinitum ....

Removing Angel of vengeance stops the error from happening. This is true whether I have 100+ mods running or Angel of Vengeance running alone.


When does this happen exactly? On startup or was there some trigger?


It happens when I get into the main menu of the game. No world created yet, fresh install.


I don't have to do anything. I don't even move the mouse or click any buttons.


It doesn't happen with any other mod. (Sorry about the many replies)


Does it happen without the mod?
I've seen that happen in Vanilla.


^ yes it's been said it doesn't happen without the mod, I'll be looking into this later when I can ~


I actually can't seem to reproduce this. I expected there to be some GL leak I missed from my last bug fix commit but that doesn't seem to be the case. I even traced through the code to ensure there wasn't a state leak.


Turns out the error is cause by Albedo when it is paired with other mods and forge has a problem loading something... easily reproduced when it is paired with a mod that has a dependency (Such as Angels of vengeance) but the dependency is not present.