TheCyberBrick opened this issue ยท 0 comments
- Lamprey
- Model
- AI
- Ash Sprite
- Model
- AI
- HateGate
- Model
- AI
- Inkebat
- Model
- AI
- Shambler
- Model
- AI
- Emberling
- Model
- AI
- Crypt Crawlers
Two types:
Ranged - Throws mudbricks (the item) as projectiles, maybe if implemented, it throws nearby urns as well (does more damage?)Melee - Carries a stick, a wooden sword, a bone sword, or an octine sword (quite rare). Damage depends on weapon.
The Crypt Crawlers run on all fours but stand on their hidn legs when attacking. If their health is low they might try to get away by digging into a nearby patch (2x1?) of earth-type blocks (mud/peat/dirt).
They could either attackagain later, slightly healed, or just despawn (no drops or xp for the player).Crypt Crawlers have a chance to drop their weapon or mudbricks (item).
(maybe another more useful but rare drop if we come up with something).Crypt Crawlers hate Sporelings and will attack them on 'sight' (even though they are blind, lol).
Lore explanation: Since they are almost completely blind they depend on their nose and ears. The spores of sporelings disrupt their smell. Thus they strongly dislike them. The chance of a Crypt Crawler and a Sporeling meeting would be very slim though.Crypt Crawlers hate Fireflies and will attack them on sight.
Lore explanation: Similar to the Sporelings, this has to do with their senses. They are not used to bright light. It will hurt their nearly blind eyes. Possible tactic would be to create bright light to make them flee or to distract them (releasing captured fireflies?)If their nest (see below) is still intact they can steal certain items (TBD, maybe equipment stuff like amulets?) from players, causing the items to be shashed in the nest's block. The player can retrieve the items again by finding the nest and breaking it, also causing the crypt crawlers to no longer be able to steal items and reduce their numbers.
Crypt Crawlers Tunnels
Tunnel structure that branches off of the sides of the main dungeon.
Contains a crypt crawler nest that continously spawns crypt crawlers. Breaking the nest
returns all items stolen from players by the crypt crawlers.
- Vault plug thing (???)
- Model
- Block
- Rotating shield thing (???)
- Model
- Block
- Target
- Model
- Block
- Lenses
- Model
- Block
- Floor Lenses
- Model
- Block
- Lense Supports
- Model
- Block
- Garnet Coral Bells
- Model
- Block
- Particle effects (beams etc.)
- Chain stuff
- Tower instruction carvings (checked for later reference, might be canceled)
- Finish ground fog renderer
Unique plants that only grow in the dungeon
- Textures/models
- Blocks
- Herblore items
- Aspects
- Bottled fog: Obtained by right clicking on ground in dungeon. Related: #804
- Fog block (?): Creates ground fog on a circle. Increases crop growth within circle and allows growth of plants from dungeon on dug dirt