[ANGRY PIXEL] The Betweenlands

[ANGRY PIXEL] The Betweenlands


Worms Not Dying Properly

orian34 opened this issue · 0 comments



Betweenlands version:


Forge version:


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Installed mods:

Betweenlands, Akashic Tome, Appleskin, Astral Sorcery, AutoRegLib, Baubles, Better Advancements, Better FPS, Bountiful Baubles, Chocolate Quest Repoured, CodeChicken Lib, ConnectedTexturesMod, Dimensional Doors, Dynamic Surroundings, Ender Storage, Fast Leaf Decay, Fossils and Archeology Revival, Gravestone Mod, Iron Chests, Iron Backpacks, JEI Villagers, Journey Map, Just Enough Resources, Librarian Lib, LLibrary, Mantle, Millénaire, More Creeps and Weirdos Revival, Mouse Tweaks, Nature's Compass, Neat, OreLib, Patchouli, Serene Seasons, Shadowfact's Forgelin, The One Probe, The Twilight Forest, Trinkets and Baubles, Villager Market, Waystones.

Description of the problem

Worms custom models still hurt you when dead and they always take a few seconds to disappear, meaning taking free damage almost all the time.

1.Kill a worm from a safe range thanks to knockback.
2.Expect the dead worm to stay dead.
3.The worm doesn't want to stay dead and still comes a you for a short time.
4.Try to fight it back away, but since it's dead, it doesn't take damage and doesn't stop moving at you.
5.Get hurt for nothing.
6.Worm finally acknowledges death and disappears.