Another Furniture

Another Furniture


sinytra connector entrypoint error that seems to be caused by missing registry object

veccyboi opened this issue ยท 0 comments


minecraft version: 1.20.1
forge version: 47.2.30
using sinytra connector
another furniture version (forge)
patch up version Beta 2 (fabric)
dye depot version 1.0.3-fabric
all other mods can be found in crash report:
log files:

i recently installed the three mods listed above in my forge 1.20.1 modpack. however, the game does not even get past the loading screen before it crashes. although in the crash report, it says that patchup caused an entrypoint error, i noticed this line in the stacktrace: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Registry Object not present: another_furniture:maroon_stool

i have had the exact same issue before with a missing registry object in one mod causing entrypoint errors in another (fabric) mod; in that case, fixing the missing object solved everything. i am reporting this issue to the dvelopers of all three mods in case there are some other issues at play.

any assistance is appreciated. these mods look great and i really hope to get this issue fixed, i see great potential for all these mods in some build ideas of mine.