


CTD with Ring of ascension

glea94 opened this issue · 6 comments


Hi, i have the mod Ring of Ascension+curios api.
I actually have 2 rings in 2 slots, both with sockets to put gems.
One actually do not have any gem in, i can see the info about the ring.
The second do have a gem socketed and it CTD when the mouse cursor go on to see info about the ring.
I went to the dat file to see what's going on with the ring and see this :
I didn't have this bug before, it seems to happen with the last 7.3.3 update. On 7.3.1 the ring was already socketed with this gem and didn't ctd.
Thank you.


Apothic Curios is not compatible with the most recent apoth release. You will need to report an issue to them and wait for them to fix it.


Ok but i have 215 mods... the crash log is very long. Do you want just the part where it crash or all the log?


Ok thank you😊


The log start when i enter the map and then put the cursor on the ring
thank you


I alos have ApothicCurios (i can socket gem in jewelry etc..), but I didn't get any ctd before, the last ApothicCurios uodate is about a month ago. So i do not report this but to daripher cause the last update i got was from apotheosis.


Crash issues must provide a crash report at the bare minimum.