


[Crsah - Incompatible] Mixin apply fails on startup

ShinryuAspect opened this issue ยท 4 comments


It seems the EnchantmentHelper mixin fails to inject/collides or whatever is it called with Upgraded Trims' one.

Upgraded trims: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/upgraded-trims

Debug.log: https://gist.github.com/ShinryuAspect/bfaafcb1fccf17240c9366cb48463ec6

If it's on their end, let me know so I can report it to them.


It seems the EnchantmentHelper mixin fails to inject/collides or whatever is it called with Upgraded Trims' one.

Upgraded trims: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/upgraded-trims

Debug.log: https://gist.github.com/ShinryuAspect/bfaafcb1fccf17240c9366cb48463ec6

If it's on their end, let me know so I can report it to them.

Are you trying to run quark as well?


Oh, may it also be due to Quark? Cuz, yes, I've Quark installed


It's unrelated to Quark

this overwrite

public static List<EnchantmentInstance> selectEnchantment(RandomSource pRandom, ItemStack pItemStack, int pLevel, boolean pAllowTreasure) {
return RealEnchantmentHelper.selectEnchantment(pRandom, pItemStack, pLevel, 15F, 0, 0, pAllowTreasure, Collections.emptySet());

is incompatible with this mixin from upgraded trims

    @ModifyVariable(method = {"selectEnchantment"}, at = @At(value = "INVOKE", target = "Lnet/minecraft/world/item/ItemStack;getEnchantmentValue()I"))
    private static int trimEnchantability(int enchantability, RandomSource p_220298_, ItemStack p_220299_, int p_220300_, boolean p_220301_) {
        return TrimsUtil.hasLapisTrim(p_220299_) ? (int)((double)enchantability + Math.min(Math.floor((double)(enchantability / 2)), 10.0)) : enchantability;

No compat support is provided for closed source ARR mods