


Server lockup after Apotheosis WorldGenDungeons

AndreVallestero opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Background, I've had this issue a few weeks ago and it was resolved by deleting a player's data on my customized Project Ozone 3 server, otherwise, when a specific player would log in, the server would lockup and it would take 60 second to process a tick. The past 2 days I've had the same issue again. Here are the last few lines in console output before the server crashes, this is the same as the last incident:

06.05 10:14:40 [Server] Server thread/INFO [neid]: Patching class: "ru.fewizz.neid.asm.Hooks" with Transformer Group: "TransformerGroupChunkPrimer"
06.05 10:14:41 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Apotheosis : Core]: Transforming WorldGenDungeons...
06.05 10:14:41 [Server] Server thread/INFO [Apotheosis : Core]: Successfully transformed WorldGenDungeons
06.05 10:15:40 [Server] Server Watchdog/FATAL [minecraft/ServerHangWatchdog]: A single server tick took 60.01 seconds (should be max 0.05)



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