Hello update lang
Nitess opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Good evening, I was confused by the fact that half was translated into my native language, and half was not, so I supplemented the translation))
google drive
Also, when connecting to the world, I observe a certain number of errors.
[Render thread/ERROR] [me.je.pl.va.cr.CategoryRecipeValidator/]: Recipe has no output. Apotheosis apotheosis:affix_sharding_rare class shadows.apotheosis.deadly.affix.recipe.AffixShardingRecipe Outputs: net.minecraft.item.ItemStack: [[1 air minecraft:air]] Inputs: net.minecraft.item.ItemStack: [[1 diamond_sword minecraft:diamond_sword nbt:{display:{Lore:['{"translate":"info.apotheosis.any_of_rarity","with":[{"translate":"rarity.apoth.rare"}]}']},Damage:0}]]
Identically the same for mythic, epic, common, uncommon and ancient affix.