


Potion Charm with Night Vision temporarily stops working for a few seconds occasionally

x13x54 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


We're using Apotheosis 4.4,1 as part of AllTheMods6-1.5.8b on a 8GB ram linux server. Due to performance reasons the tps can be a bit low.
The issue we're getting is that when we put an "Indestructible" enchantment (forbidden&arcanus) on the (night vision) potion charm it will leave you without night vision for a few seconds up to half a minute before it reapplies itself. This can be really annoying in caves with mobs, etc.
The cause of the issue is likely that the mod checks if i do not have the effect anymore, and with lower tps that can cause a gap in effect.
A way to fix this would be to reapply the effect shortly before it expires, for example. Sadly i found no way to change this in the mod that is currently running on our server.


A) the charm is non-enchantable, any method of throwing an enchantment on there is immediately unsupported behavior
B) The night vision charm already applies a longer-than-usual duration to avoid the flickering time. You are encountering issues caused by TPS lag, that can only be fixed by increasing your TPS back to standard.