Incompatible with Scaling Health
Numilani opened this issue ยท 3 comments
This is likely a duplicate of #446 but I have actual details to provide:
When running Apotheosis (version 1.16.5-4.7.1) and Scaling Health (version 1.16.5-4.1.5+11), connecting to a server gives the following error message:
Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException:java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 25, Size: 5
This error does not occur when playing singleplayer. No errors are logged client- or server-side.
I feel like this is something that has to be resolved on scaling health's side - I don't modify the way any attributes work or even touch any netcode.
Hell, the only thing apoth does with attributes is apply modifiers to items and entities (the same way you can do it with vanilla nbt editing).
Understandable. Linking the same open issue on the Scaling health repo for visibility, just in case.