


Chainsaw enchant causing server crashes

SpeedSlider opened this issue ยท 4 comments


We have two crash reports indicating that the chainsaw enchantment was involved in the crash. Based upon discussions with the owner it is on a Netherite axe obtained with affixes and one was chainsaw enchantment. There doesn't appear to be a way to remove the enchant in the configs other than disabling all the enchantments


This is happening on my server and for the life of me could not figure out what was going on. My tech support for the server hosting company I used found this: Alright got it, the max tick time indicates this:

at net.minecraft.world.item.enchantment.EnchantmentHelper.m_44843_(EnchantmentHelper.java:71) ~[server-1.18.2-20220404.173914-srg.jar%23102!/:?] {re:mixin,re:classloading,pl:mixin:APP:apotheosis.mixins.json:EnchantmentHelperMixin,pl:mixin:APP:quark.mixins.json:EnchantmentHelperMixin,pl:mixin:A}
at net.minecraftforge.event.world.BlockEvent$BreakEvent.(BlockEvent.java:87) ~[forge-1.18.2-40.1.0-universal.jar%23106!/:?] {re:classloading,pl:eventbus:A}
at net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeHooks.onBlockBreakEvent(ForgeHooks.java:545) ~[forge-1.18.2-40.1.0-universal.jar%23106!/:?] {re:classloading}
at shadows.apotheosis.util.BlockUtil.breakExtraBlock(BlockUtil.java:50) ~[Apotheosis-1.18.2-5.3.4.jar%2341!/:5.3.4] {re:classloading}
at shadows.apotheosis.ench.enchantments.masterwork.ChainsawEnchant$ChainsawTask.getAsBoolean(ChainsawEnchant.java:102) ~[Apotheosis-1.18.2-5.3.4.jar%2341!/:5.3.4] {re:classloading}

What I'm seeing on that is that there is an item with a certain enchantment that is crashing your server. Specifically a "Chainsaw Enchant", and it hangs during the "Block Break event". This means a player has an enchanted item that is crashing the server as soon as they break a block.


@xobritters09 I had closed this issue after the initial response as it was just easier to inform our server to not use the chainsaw enchant. Now sure if they will see your comment on a closed issue.


I would need you to run a profile that indicates chainsaw is actually hanging - these are otherwise just server tick issues, and the immediate code point is not from chainsaw, but rather the break event firing.


Chainsaw has been updated to be a bit more lenient on the server, since reports kept coming in. Still not sure what case triggers it to go haywire, but it should be impossible now.