


Odd behaviour when toggling enchantment module (and adding/removing mod?)

CheshireSwift opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Not sure if this is Apotheosis specific or something fundamental in MC/Forge, but when turning the enchantment module on/off in the config, it looks like enchantment IDs get misaligned?


  1. Have enchantment module disabled.
  2. Create a new world.
  3. Quit, enable enchantment module, re-run MC.
  4. Giggle at bookshelves with Capturing X.


It's not just the shelves, it also similarly messes up enchanted books, including those from other mods. I first noticed it when searching for Veining enchanted books in JEI returned books with Spartan Weaponry enchants.

Creating a fresh world once the module is toggled is fine, everything is correct in the new save. It's just existing worlds that go wonky.


This is probably due to how vanilla stores enchantments as integers and doesn't remap those integers after the game logs into a world...
Not sure if theres anything I can do about it, as its basically a fundamental flaw in vanilla.


I had a sneaking suspicion that might be the case. It's weird that it's not just existing items, but also JEI and anything created afterwards that's affected, but presumably it stores a mapping of enchantment IDs in the actual world data?

Anyway, no worries and thanks for the quick reply, you can go ahead and close it if you want.


Just as a note if you want the enchantment module functionally disabled you can achiece the same results by adjusting the configs.