


Affixes failing to generate

miltonniklasson opened this issue · 8 comments


I'm getting errors in the server console every now and then looking like this: 21.10 22:58:40 [Server] Server thread/ERROR [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule minecraft:iron_chestplate/rare/EFFECT/0.33!. They come in intervals but with different items failing each time.


Having the same issue here - 1.18.2-5.7.2

If you want logs, files, whatever...let me know, happy to help.


fixed in 5.7.3


still there.. with v6.0.0


6.0.0 is outdated.


Reopening the issue due to it occurring in my server as well.
Apotheosis version 7.0.5, MC 1.20.1

[23Oct2023 18:52:09.315] [Server thread/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule minecraft:diamond_helmet/apotheosis:mythic/ABILITY/0.3!
[23Oct2023 18:52:54.188] [Server thread/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule minecraft:golden_helmet/apotheosis:mythic/ABILITY/0.3!
[23Oct2023 18:53:44.054] [Server thread/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule minecraft:chainmail_boots/apotheosis:mythic/ABILITY/0.3!
[23Oct2023 18:54:08.901] [Server thread/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule minecraft:golden_boots/apotheosis:mythic/ABILITY/0.3!
[23Oct2023 18:55:35.036] [Server thread/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule minecraft:golden_helmet/apotheosis:mythic/ABILITY/0.3!
[23Oct2023 18:55:55.001] [Server thread/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule minecraft:iron_helmet/apotheosis:mythic/ABILITY/0.3!
[23Oct2023 18:56:02.458] [Server thread/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule minecraft:leather_boots/apotheosis:mythic/ABILITY/0.3!
[23Oct2023 18:56:05.156] [Server thread/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule minecraft:leather_helmet/apotheosis:mythic/ABILITY/0.3!
[23Oct2023 18:56:13.191] [Server thread/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule minecraft:diamond_boots/apotheosis:mythic/ABILITY/0.3!
[23Oct2023 18:56:30.903] [Server thread/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule minecraft:chainmail_boots/apotheosis:mythic/ABILITY/0.3!

This happened in the End, all loot as a result rolled without any affixes, just vanilla enchants.

During server startup these messages also show up, but I haven't been able to figure out how to fix them.

[23Oct2023 14:02:06.681] [main/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Insufficient number of affixes to satisfy the loot rules (ignoring backup rules) of rarity apotheosis:mythic for category helmetRequired: 3; Provided: 2
[23Oct2023 14:02:06.681] [main/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Insufficient number of affixes to satisfy the loot rules (ignoring backup rules) of rarity apotheosis:mythic for category bootsRequired: 3; Provided: 2
[23Oct2023 14:02:06.685] [main/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Insufficient number of affixes to satisfy the loot rules (ignoring backup rules) of rarity apotheosis:ancient for category bowRequired: 5; Provided: 4
[23Oct2023 14:02:06.685] [main/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Insufficient number of affixes to satisfy the loot rules (ignoring backup rules) of rarity apotheosis:ancient for category crossbowRequired: 5; Provided: 4
[23Oct2023 14:02:06.686] [main/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Insufficient number of affixes to satisfy the loot rules (ignoring backup rules) of rarity apotheosis:ancient for category pickaxeRequired: 5; Provided: 4
[23Oct2023 14:02:06.686] [main/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Insufficient number of affixes to satisfy the loot rules (ignoring backup rules) of rarity apotheosis:ancient for category shovelRequired: 5; Provided: 4
[23Oct2023 14:02:06.687] [main/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Insufficient number of affixes to satisfy the loot rules (ignoring backup rules) of rarity apotheosis:ancient for category shieldRequired: 5; Provided: 4
[23Oct2023 14:02:06.688] [main/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Insufficient number of affixes to satisfy the loot rules (ignoring backup rules) of rarity apotheosis:ancient for category helmetRequired: 4; Provided: 2
[23Oct2023 14:02:06.688] [main/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Insufficient number of affixes to satisfy the loot rules (ignoring backup rules) of rarity apotheosis:ancient for category bootsRequired: 4; Provided: 2


Reopening the issue due to it occurring in my server as well. Apotheosis version 7.0.5, MC 1.20.1

[23Oct2023 18:52:09.315] [Server thread/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule minecraft:diamond_helmet/apotheosis:mythic/ABILITY/0.3! [23Oct2023 18:52:54.188] [Server thread/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule minecraft:golden_helmet/apotheosis:mythic/ABILITY/0.3! [23Oct2023 18:53:44.054] [Server thread/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule minecraft:chainmail_boots/apotheosis:mythic/ABILITY/0.3! [23Oct2023 18:54:08.901] [Server thread/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule minecraft:golden_boots/apotheosis:mythic/ABILITY/0.3! [23Oct2023 18:55:35.036] [Server thread/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule minecraft:golden_helmet/apotheosis:mythic/ABILITY/0.3! [23Oct2023 18:55:55.001] [Server thread/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule minecraft:iron_helmet/apotheosis:mythic/ABILITY/0.3! [23Oct2023 18:56:02.458] [Server thread/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule minecraft:leather_boots/apotheosis:mythic/ABILITY/0.3! [23Oct2023 18:56:05.156] [Server thread/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule minecraft:leather_helmet/apotheosis:mythic/ABILITY/0.3! [23Oct2023 18:56:13.191] [Server thread/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule minecraft:diamond_boots/apotheosis:mythic/ABILITY/0.3! [23Oct2023 18:56:30.903] [Server thread/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule minecraft:chainmail_boots/apotheosis:mythic/ABILITY/0.3!

This happened in the End, all loot as a result rolled without any affixes, just vanilla enchants.

During server startup these messages also show up, but I haven't been able to figure out how to fix them.

[23Oct2023 14:02:06.681] [main/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Insufficient number of affixes to satisfy the loot rules (ignoring backup rules) of rarity apotheosis:mythic for category helmetRequired: 3; Provided: 2 [23Oct2023 14:02:06.681] [main/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Insufficient number of affixes to satisfy the loot rules (ignoring backup rules) of rarity apotheosis:mythic for category bootsRequired: 3; Provided: 2 [23Oct2023 14:02:06.685] [main/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Insufficient number of affixes to satisfy the loot rules (ignoring backup rules) of rarity apotheosis:ancient for category bowRequired: 5; Provided: 4 [23Oct2023 14:02:06.685] [main/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Insufficient number of affixes to satisfy the loot rules (ignoring backup rules) of rarity apotheosis:ancient for category crossbowRequired: 5; Provided: 4 [23Oct2023 14:02:06.686] [main/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Insufficient number of affixes to satisfy the loot rules (ignoring backup rules) of rarity apotheosis:ancient for category pickaxeRequired: 5; Provided: 4 [23Oct2023 14:02:06.686] [main/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Insufficient number of affixes to satisfy the loot rules (ignoring backup rules) of rarity apotheosis:ancient for category shovelRequired: 5; Provided: 4 [23Oct2023 14:02:06.687] [main/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Insufficient number of affixes to satisfy the loot rules (ignoring backup rules) of rarity apotheosis:ancient for category shieldRequired: 5; Provided: 4 [23Oct2023 14:02:06.688] [main/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Insufficient number of affixes to satisfy the loot rules (ignoring backup rules) of rarity apotheosis:ancient for category helmetRequired: 4; Provided: 2 [23Oct2023 14:02:06.688] [main/ERROR] [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Insufficient number of affixes to satisfy the loot rules (ignoring backup rules) of rarity apotheosis:ancient for category bootsRequired: 4; Provided: 2

  • 1 to this. Version 7.0.5 on MC 1.20.1, forge 47.1.3

This is causing people to crash in my server when getting close to the Iron's spellbook spells items when dropped on the floor.
Any ideas?

[ERROR] .... [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule irons_spellbooks:blaze_spell_book/apotheosis:uncommon/STAT/0.45!

[ERROR] .... [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule irons_spellbooks:blaze_spell_book/apotheosis:uncommon/STAT/0.45!

[ERROR] .... [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule irons_spellbooks:blaze_spell_book/apotheosis:rare/STAT/1.0!

[ERROR] .... [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule irons_spellbooks:blaze_spell_book/apotheosis:rare/ABILITY/1.0!

[ERROR] .... [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule irons_spellbooks:blaze_spell_book/apotheosis:rare/STAT/1.0!

[ERROR] .... [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule irons_spellbooks:blaze_spell_book/apotheosis:rare/ABILITY/1.0!

[ERROR] .... [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule irons_spellbooks:blaze_spell_book/apotheosis:uncommon/STAT/0.45!

[ERROR] .... [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule irons_spellbooks:blaze_spell_book/apotheosis:rare/STAT/1.0!

[ERROR] .... [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule irons_spellbooks:blaze_spell_book/apotheosis:rare/ABILITY/1.0!

[INFO] .... [minecraft/ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl]: com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@2c03d69c[id=,name=Louie365,properties={},legacy=false] (/ lost connection: Disconnected

[ERROR] .... [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule irons_spellbooks:blaze_spell_book/apotheosis:uncommon/STAT/0.45!

[ERROR] .... [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule irons_spellbooks:blaze_spell_book/apotheosis:uncommon/STAT/0.45!

[INFO] .... [minecraft/ServerLoginPacketListenerImpl]: UUID of player Machi1503 is 50e21463-60d9-4c51-a0be-b6fc6c5aacc2

[ERROR] .... [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule irons_spellbooks:blaze_spell_book/apotheosis:rare/STAT/1.0!

[ERROR] .... [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule irons_spellbooks:blaze_spell_book/apotheosis:rare/ABILITY/1.0!

[ERROR] .... [Apotheosis : Adventure/]: Failed to execute LootRule irons_spellbooks:blaze_spell_book/apotheosis:rare/ABILITY/0.33!


It is the responsibility of the loot category owner to ensure there are ample affixes - iron's spells, in this case.