- 3
Slight texture issues on tooltip
#1 opened by mezz - 2
Food tooltip renders 1px too high on top of item tooltip
#3 opened by TehNut - 3
[Not sure if bug] Mod requires Apple Core
#2 opened by DarkLight66 - 2
Option to adjust location of saturation overlay in config?
#4 opened by sweetsosweet - 7
[1.10.2] [Bug] Missing Localization for Configuration GUI
#5 opened by SnowShock35 - 5
Food tooltip is not working if NEI is installed
#6 opened by Dukat863 - 4
[1.10.2] - Compatibility Suggestion.
#7 opened by XvSkItZvX - 10
Changing saturation/regen values
#8 opened by FatalBlade - 7
[1.11.2] Food tooltip is misleading when another mod modifies the maximum hunger value
#9 opened by jesmores - 2
Strange mod conflict with Armory
#10 opened by MeisterGeekz - 3
Disabling Saturation overlay, still shows up.
#11 opened by TDarkShadow - 4
Feature Request: Overlay Relocation
#13 opened by XvSkItZvX - 4
1.12.1 World Creation Crash
#14 opened by davqvist - 4
Appleskin attempts to render insanely large amounts of hunger points in tooltip
#15 opened by DrDoom347