Applied Botanics Addon

Applied Botanics Addon


Negative mana display (Fabric 1.4.4)

TopPercentageRattata opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Fluix mana pools and mana mirrors connected to them appear empty and looking at nbt of mirror shows negative mana amounts.
To reproduce, have at least 2 or 3 ME drives of 256k mana storage cells and then place a fluix mana pool.
Possible that this is due to 2bil int limit or something?
Sorry if this is fixed in 1.4.5 btw, unable to test it atm and not sure if it would have been fixed by accident viewing changelog


Wait changelog for 1.4.4 says it should have fixed this so not sure why it's an issue in a modpack that has it at 1.4.4
Edit: oh it looks like it used to crash and now just displays as empty?


It shouldn't look empty once you start putting a significant amount of mana in. IIRC it starts rendering in mana pools through the bottom instead on on it, so you'd need to accumulate like 1% of the network capacity to even see anything.


Nah I had like 10 drives full, the max mana is set to negative 2bil int limit if 17 256k drives or above so maybe it becomes positive if you have 17 full? Anyway mana mirror and fluix pool display is very scuffed past 17 256k drive mana capacity
Edit: No it will never become positive nvm, the max mana negative number just gets bigger forever


I have 20 full 256K mana cells and I'm not noticing anything strange with a fluix mana pool or a mana mirror in 1.4.5. I'm going to need better steps to reproduce.


Hmm yeah it works fine in SP but bug persists on multiplayer server