Applied Energistics 2

Applied Energistics 2


2 questions

GhostShot3 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


How to leave crawling all the time without stopping ?
How do I for example for some item from another place to enter or exit on my ME Chest for example using buidcraft tubes,enderio conduits ?

  • Minecraft Version: 1.7.10
  • AE2 Version: last update
  • Forge Version:

I need to craft item without requesting in terminal

I managed to get items out of ME chest thanks

I'm using a translator, sorry for the mistakes.


crafting without terminal is possible when you insert a crafting card into the interface or export bus

as long as your system has all required machines for autorcrafting (crafting CPU, interfaces with recipes and molecular assembler) and your export bus has an crafting card, it will request the item to craft before exporting it


How to leave crawling all the time without stopping

what now?

How do I for example for some item from another place to enter or exit on my ME Chest for example using buidcraft tubes,enderio conduits ?

trying to understand ... you want to move an item out of the me chest?

well you have two options

  1. an interface configured to present an specified ammount of a certain item that you can pull out with any system you like
  2. and export bus that exports an defined item into any block that accepts items input

1.7.10 is not supported anymore, i will close this issue now

but i will still monitor it if you have any further questions

PS: interfaces will accept any item and input it into the ME system, same goes for the import bus, but this one will actively pull .... this should ALL be expklained on the AE2 Website i believe and in a lot of wikis ... for the future, try them first please :)


Thanks i got it