Applied Energistics 2

Applied Energistics 2


Cannot remove grinder recipes

justinrusso opened this issue ยท 14 comments



Attempting to remove an item from the grinder using crafttweaker does not remove the item.


Singleplayer. Small new instance just to test this issue.
crafttweaker.log & test.zs

  • Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
  • AE2 Version: rv5-stable-7
  • Forge Version:


  • Crafttweaker Version: 4.1.2
  • JEI Version:

recipes.remove(output, NBTMatch);
This will remove any crafting table recipes for the given output.
If NBTMatch is true, it will only remove recipes that result in items with the same NTB-Data as provided
Output is an IIngredient.
NBTMatch is a boolan and optional (Will be the same as false if not specified).

taken from

you always have to specify the output item of the recipe you want to remove (this normally also applies to any mod related scripts), but this requires you to rescript all the recipes you want to keep (just copy them from your CT logfile using /mt recipes before you remove it)


Ok, I see my mistake, you are doing it by input, not output. As mindforger mentions, its usually done by output, and as an additional if desired, there is another removeRecipe that takes an output and input.


Removing by output makes no sense as the grinder may have multiple outputs with varying chances which is pretty much opposite to a crafting recipe. You cannot apply terms like "usually" when comparing apples and oranges. Also, looking at the TE support (iirc done by the MT author himself), the pulverizer works the same way.


Removing by output makes no sense as the grinder may have multiple outputs with varying chances which is pretty much opposite to a crafting recipe

sure thing, did not think about that .... but still confusing AF


as there's no way to obtain the grinder recipes an output exists in then

i slightly doubt that! have a look at the CT API reference i posted.

I have glanced about something that was labeled "conditionals" ... you maybe able to accomplish it with a little bit effort but have not yet read into that stuff yet, i maybe totally off with my assumption there


@mindforger not sure what you're speaking of. If you're talking about the crafting table recipe link you posted earlier, this does nothing for me as all of that information is unrelated to AE2 integration


Does it really not work, or is CT just unable to detect it being removed as it is not a normal crafting recipe?


Oh, I missed the metadata value. Which explains a lot, as there is no recipe registered by default for certus dust, thus nothing to be removed.


You probably want to remove the things that grind into certus dust.


There's currently not functionality to expose all recipes to CT. For the intended use case this is simply not needed. For more complicated modifications you would have to use our API directly. I'm pretty sure this is true for most (if not all) CT mod integrations.
I'm don't want to expand on the CT API at this time because depending on how the 1.13 stuff turns out it may not be needed anymore.


this looks promising (keep an eye on the lower part of the article and the menu to the left to look for other possibilitys)


... Right, but what would I be comparing to? I cannot find recipes that output a given item in the grinder.