Applied Energistics 2

Applied Energistics 2


Duplication Bug

3jlowes opened this issue ยท 12 comments



Im not really sure how to describe this but Ill try my best. The autocrafting process of fluix led us to find this. Chest has an import bus and dropping them into a pool of water surrounded by crystal growth accelerators with a formation plane and picking them back up with an annihilation plane. Upon the items being dropped into the pool, the items stay in the chest and it keeps dropping the items.
If this is not enough information, just let me know. I am happy to provide as much information needed.

It seems to work better when you have acceleration upgrades in the import bus that is pulling from the chest to the formation plane.

It seems to work for some items but not all. Items that were working for us were fluix crystals, and machine case from tesla core lib

The duplication in action

I managed to reproduce and simplify the setup.
Just an import bus from a chest to a formation plane. Items drop on the ground, but not pulled from chest.


  • Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
  • AE2 Version: rv5-stable-11
  • Forge Version:

This happens when another mod is cancelling the events we use to spawn the items.
Flux Networks had this same issue in the past.

Judging by the screenshots I think you're running sevtech ages?


Indeed. Any idea what mod could be causing this?


Build an minimal setup where you can reproduce and then perform an binary search by removing half the mods checking if the issue persist until you found the culprit


If limited to specific items, this is caused by some other mod interfering with them. Which one I cannot say, but that is something the modpack author should handle.


AE2 planes have always been source of dup bugs. Just disable them until the mod author actually fix the them.


Ultimately this is a forge bug as they refuse to provide the necessary solutions for mod devs. It is literally impossible to replace a spawned entity with an event handler to achieve some custom item entities for various reasons. The only option forge provides is to cancel the spawning, which just cancels it without a reason. So using it to avoid spawning an absurd amount of items for performance reasons is a valid reason, but this should not destroy every existing item. But abusing it to cancel the spawning and then dupe your own item on top of it is not a valid reason. There needs a way to other replace the spawned item directly by forge or a more detailed response. E.g. to distinguish between "canceled and keep the item" and "canceled, but still destroy the item". So if you want a fix, go bug forge about it.


What's the issue number on forge side to track this?


I have no idea. It's essentially not a feature we need on our side at all. I just remember following one particular incident and that the devs mention that they forwarded it in some way to forge. But that might have been a quick IRC chat or so, but without any real result. Also it would be a probably major breaking change, so I doubt Forge would integrate it before 1.13


Other mods usually choose to ignore it and void everything. Which is probably fine as it might just void a single stack or even less. But having access to pretty much everything a player owns and be able to void it in a few seconds is certainly not the best option.


yueh that makes pretty good sense to me. I wonder what mod would cancel the events used to spawn the items and why.


No idea. Usually some mods adding custom entities for existing items (like vanilla items). Why? Not sure. Sometimes they use it for in world crafting. Maybe some have the idea that it could save a few cpu cycles. But basically it's a stupid idea, the moment another mod tries to replace the same item, it will immediately break down and only one mod will continue to work.


I'm curious on why AE2 expose this issue while other dropper/collector blocks don't. What's so special in AE2 implementation to trigger this?