Client crashes with "ItemStack#isEmpty() has to be false" exception
newsec opened this issue ยท 5 comments
If I order the item craft without ME drive installed (used storage bus with chest) then client crashes with an exception.
Tested with only AE2 mod installed in a new world in Single Player mode.
MC: 1.12.2
AE2: appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-5
@yueh Could you give some comments? Why did you close the issue? I just started to setup AE2 system in my gaming world and didn't add ME drive yet and now I can't even log in because the client always crashes.
@Mordenkainen got it, thank you so much.
@newsec and please try not to take offense. When dealing with a really large project like this it is sometimes difficult to put a comment on every dup you close out.
@Mordenkainen I'm not taking offense. I just tried to understand why the issue was closed. Because I searched same issues with no luck (used wrong words like "ItemStack" etc). Thanks again.