Applied Energistics 2

Applied Energistics 2


After server restart, I lose access to my network and need to break/replace the security terminal to fix.

TheInfamousAlk opened this issue ยท 26 comments


I'm using the modpack "all the mods 6" 1.6.3c, with ae2 version 8.3.1. This is on a dedicated server that I host with default config from the modpack. My network consists of 1 crafting terminal, a wireless access point with 64 range boosters, an ME storage bus connected to a storage drawers controller, 6 energy acceptors, one energy cell, 2 empty ME drives, a charger, an ME controller, and a security terminal.

When the server does its nightly restart, when logging back in, I no longer have access to my own ME network. I can see the items inside and my wireless terminal is still linked so I can use that to see items, but I cannot take items out and can't access the security terminal GUI with the message "you do not have access". I can break and replace the security terminal and re-link the wireless pad and it all works fine until next restart. There are no crash logs. If a specific log file would be useful, I can upload it.

  • Environment:
    I host on I use 8000mb of RAM. I do not know the backend environment they host this server on.

Pack: OceanBlock Same problem. I've had this problem on several packs.
AE2 8.4.1

I'll have to do more experimentation with a friend later on but I went into a pack where this problem was happening and made a new world, put down the basics: creative cell, controller, 1cable, crafting terminal, drive block, 1 64k drive, the security terminal, wireless access terminal, and made myself a wireless terminal.
No access denied problem on restart.
In our world where we have been playing for a while where the problem is happening I re-created the same small setup off to the side and get "you lack permission to access this" after a restart.
It's happening after some point of progression in the world and not even related to the complexity of the individual network the problem is happening on.


Still having this issue on 8.4.4.

Writing in with a workaround I found, though- On multiplayer, at least, if I have someone else who has security access put a biometric card in for myself, it will continue to allow me access through restarts. I'm unable to put it in myself, though, so this method does require a second person.


Yeah same I also found this out today. I'm curious, what is your minecraft username? Maybe there's something in common that we can pin this on. Mine is The_Infamous_Alk. I had a theory that the underscores might have been causing problems for some reason. Because if it works for someone else and breaks for me, even in different worlds, the only common variable is "my account/username". It never happens to anyone else on my server.


Unfortunately it's LucyValeheart, no underscores. But I do think there are others having this issue in the server I play - I'll ask around and see. I'm on the kinetic network modpack mythic satus,their official server.


If you are not playing offline, the owner information is stored using your game profile ID, which is independent of your username.


Any ideas why it has happened to me in 2 different modpacks, several different worlds and servers in those 2 modpacks, and nobody else? It has to be something related to my ID or account or something. This world I didn't even make the whole network or any pieces, it was mostly made by another user, then at some point I broke and replaced the security terminal and that made the issue start happening again. It has to be something tied to my ID/character. I have even tried completely emptying my inventory between reboots and it still happens.

If you do ask around, ask what people are doing, what mods they are really progressing in, what they carry on their person/bauble slots, stuff like that. Maybe it's an item/status/data tied to my character from another mod causing it.


FWIW the issue plagued every single person on my server back when I commented. Nothing weird about my username, all letters within A-Za-z. I haven't played in several months though and ultimately determined it not worth my time to track down.


If it makes a difference, it is reproduceable on my server. Every single reboot it does the same thing. I could give logs if that helps. I own it, I could reboot any number of times to test if someone has any idea what to test.


It won't be a name thing. It's something global that doesn't even trigger at world start.


It would be great to have a reproducible test case for this, but since it "just happens" and is then broken afterwards, this is actually quite hard :-|


Hm, can you go into your AE2 config file and set:
securityAuditLog to true
debugLog to true

Reboot once, try to access your network to log the reason, and then attach your server log here?


Yes. I will report back later, I'm out for the next couple days.


I will record one instance of accessing the network where my friend placed the security terminal, then I will break and replace it, reboot, and record me attempting and failing to access the network before breaking and replacing the security terminal and successfully accessing it. I'll do that on the 26th.


So I ended up breaking and replacing the terminal before the testing, so I don't have data from when someone else owned the network and it was "working fine". In this test I logged in, attempted to access my crafting terminal, attempted to access the security terminal, both unsuccessful. Then I broke and replaced the security terminal, put all the bio cards back in, and successfully accessed the security terminal, then successfully accessed the crafting terminal. Then shut down the server. Please let me know if there is any more specific testing I can do to help.

Things to note: my controller and about half of my network is in the blood magic demon realm dimension, but this happens regardless of dimension. I believe my network is the only AE2 network on the server, most other people use refined storage.

I noticed after I logged in, there were no AE2 log entries, but several before. I do not know if this is supposed to happen or not, since it didn't log any of my actions, but here it is anyway.


Thanks for grabbing this log, it has at least given me an idea where I might look...


:26:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Security audit 1 failed at [, x=-999, y=139, z=-1] belonging to player [id=0]
[17:26:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Security audit 2 failed at [, x=-939, y=150, z=8] belonging to player [id=1]
[17:26:17] [Server thread/WARN]: Failed to establish a ME P2P Tunnel between the tunnels at [x=-999, y=139, z=-1] and [x=-939, y=150, z=8]

The locations it mentions, are those actually placed by different players?


No, those are part of a p2p cable with 3 sources and 3 destinations that I built just today so I could bring a bunch of channels to another part of the base without tons of cables. I've never actually touched anything p2p until today. No idea why those have different player ids.


Also if you need more specific information on the setup of my network I can show you pictures/video, or you could even join the server, it's up 24/7. Though not sure if that is super relevant since it's happened over a few different unrelated network setups


By the way, the "failed p2p tunnel" in the log is still linked and working just fine.


Given the unknown cause of this could there be a way to disable the permissions from the security terminal, cause in my case i only use it to have the wireless terminals linked


If this is possible I would also like to do this. I don't actually need the security terminal for anything other than wireless. Or maybe if there is a way to use wireless without having to have a security terminal set up?


You're a legend


I had the same issue after updating to ATM6 1.6.4 from 1.6.3, my server has not restarted since the update so I cannot confirm if it happens every restart. Self hosted on an Ubuntu VM with 4 cores and 8GB RAM (6GB set to the ATM launcher)

AE2 version 8.4.0-alpha.2

Edit: It also happens on restart for me


please use the issue template to learn how to provide the required informations to give you help
you might not know but only telling the modpack name and version is as precise as telling a mechanic "i got a light blue car"

PS: for a quickstart (in singleplayer) pressing and holding f3+c will create a crashreport that contains all the viable informations but for servers you have to do some manual work, there is a simulated crash report on every server start in your log file that you can copy out, paste it (NOT THE WHOLE LOG unless requested) on pastebin and send it to us, it contains all the infos about versions, mods, plugins etc.


Scrolled through the entire 2k+ line latest.log and Ctrl-F'd debug.log, I cannot find any such simulated crash. This was on a clean start and I cleared out the logs directory prior to starting. Added AE2 version to my original comment though


search the debug log for "Mod signature data" there shall be an indented list of mods with and without signatures and their versions

i am stumped as it seems they removed that crash report, it was quite usefull since you can not forcibly crash the server like you do when crashing the client with F3 + C

but the main issue here is the size of your modpack, it is nearly impossible to debug such a pack even with all the mod versions and the system specs, if you have the time and would try t reproduce the issue with a minimal setup this would be great ... or do a so called binary search:

make a fresh world
reproduce the issue with minimal setup
then begin removing half the mods (keep em somewhere stored, each removed part in a different folder)
-> if the issue persists, remove another half and so on
-> if the issue goes away, take away all other mods beside AE2 and maybe some other required ones and put back the "bad" half you just dropped before and continue the search until you have the smallest possible setup to reproduce