Applied Energistics 2

Applied Energistics 2


Regulator card similar to Refined Storage

Kevin-Marsh opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Describe the feature

It would be awesome if there was a card that could be added to import, export, and storage buses that could be set with a specific number. Import buses would stop importing and keep the set amount of the items in the storage that it is pulling from, export would only export until the set limit and storage buses would only store until the set limit.

Reasons why it should be considered

This would provide greater flexibility for automation and allow for more precise subnets. it would allow more efficient balancing across storage buses in a piping subnet where the inventories could handle multiple stacks but we would want 4 total in each inventory.

Additional details

No response


A level emitter setup doesn't provide anywhere near the same control and inherently operates in a different way. The level emitter bases on what is in your storage, a regulator card bases in what the external storage is doing.


You can already limit things in network by using Level Emitter


I would also like to request this functionality.

All of the current 'solutions' I have been able to find involve (semi-)complicated redstone setups, often relying on other (redstone) mods, or simply misunderstand the request and suggest using a Level Emitter (which, as Kevin-Marsh indicated above, doesn't operate in the necessary way).

A native way to easily limit stock in attached external inventories for importers/exporters/storage buses is much perferable and the proposed 'regulator card' seems like a suitable and elegant solution and QoL improvement.


but you can hook your storage on a single subnetwork with an level emitter powering the interfacing bus from the main network

no need for other mods imho, just wrap the storage of your choice in a simple subnetwork to use the emitter in the way it is supposed to

PS: would be nice to know how this impacts performance, when the main network accesses a subnetwork controlled with an emitter from that subnetwork

i can imagine acessing the target storage might also take some calculation time to evaluate for the emitter but with the emitter in a subnetwork this would be the same issue i can imagine, maybe less performant than making it a card in the end?!


but you can hook your storage on a single subnetwork with an level emitter powering the interfacing bus from the main network

no need for other mods imho, just wrap the storage of your choice in a simple subnetwork to use the emitter in the way it is supposed to

PS: would be nice to know how this impacts performance, when the main network accesses a subnetwork controlled with an emitter from that subnetwork

i can imagine acessing the target storage might also take some calculation time to evaluate for the emitter but with the emitter in a subnetwork this would be the same issue i can imagine, maybe less performant than making it a card in the end?!

unfortunately even this would not be a decent alternative, as the export bus and import bus when using acceleration cards, transfer more then one item per operation so it would not accurate to the exact number if needed and thus would be unreliable or ungodly slow lol, and frankly setting up a whole tiny subnetwork with a storage bus, lvl emitter, is far more clunky then just a card that would essentially be a comparator.


I was going to suggest that now.