Applied Energistics 2

Applied Energistics 2


Client kicked from server after cell is too full on attempting to open crafting terminal

NezcalSpindrake opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Describe the bug

After the network has enough unique item types (apparently variable on what items they are exactly, had failures at 22 and 20 item types separately with different lists of items) the client will kick me with a error as follows.

Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: dstIndex: 31, length: 357 (expected: range(0, 256))

The length number changes depending on how full the drive is.
Removing items from the drive using an IO port and a storage bus set to only allow items into the chest allows the terminal to be accessed again, and the kick occurs again when enough items are placed back in and the terminal is closed and opened again.

How to reproduce the bug

1.) Fill the drive up past a certain amount of unique item types.
2.) Close terminal UI.
3.) Open terminal UI again.

Expected behavior

Terminal opens as expected.

Additional details

Happens on Neoforge but you don't have an opyion for that on your modloaders section :(
Also server log because the f3+c only crashes the client:
And previous server log with more attempts and kicks:

Which minecraft version are you using?


On which mod loaders does it happen?


Crash log


This was fixed in 17.6.3-beta