Applied Energistics 2

Applied Energistics 2


view cell are still visible on small enough gui scales

Mari023 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


image with gui scale 1 on a 1080p screen:
2024-07-01_03 14 14


In 4k gui scale 2 is affected as well.


Isn't the real bug though that the view cell slots are invisible in lower resolutions or with higher gui scale settings? This functionality is not accessible to the player otherwise. From the looks of it the view cells should probably be attached to the right side of the terminal. I played around a bit an setting "right" to "2" instead of "800" in src/main/resources/assets/ae2/screens/terminals/base_terminal.json looks pretty decent unless the scroll bar is shorter than the view cell section height.

@Ridanisaurus probably knows best what the intentions were when he moved that away during retexturing.