Applied Energistics 2

Applied Energistics 2


Crafting jobs don't resume after loading a saved world

Mithi83 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Describe the bug

A crafting job that is still running when leaving the world will not resume when loading that world again.

How to reproduce the bug

  • Create autocrafting setup
  • Start a long running job (in my case 400 Iron Blocks)
  • Click "Save and Quit to Title" while the job is still running
  • Load that world back up
  • Inspect the crafting status and notice no progress

Expected behavior

Crafting resumes after loading the world.

Additional details

No response

Which minecraft version are you using?


On which mod loaders does it happen?


Crash log

Selfcompiled main branch


A bit of debug-printing in a minimal setup (1 CPU, 1 Pattern Provider, 1 Molecular Assembler) revealed the following: The CraftingCpuLogic tries to call executeCrafting() and gets different results depending on whether we are in a working scenario before the save&quit or in a non-working scenario after a rejoin. In a working scenario the for loop over craftingService.getProviders(details) finds the provider, after a rejoin the for loop does not print anything, leading me to the conclusion that craftingService.getProviders(details) returns an empty container. I'll investigate further at a later point.