Wrong documentation for ChannelMode
Aresiel opened this issue ยท 2 comments
The ChannelMode class' latter two comments (1, 2) are wrong.
An enum value with 0 adHocNetworkChannels and 0 cableCapacityFactor does not disable requirements, but rather limit the amount of used channels to 0.
with this setup
and the following enum extension:
public class ChannelModeNoneEnumExtension {
private static appeng.api.networking.pathing.ChannelMode[] $VALUES;
@Invoker(value = "<init>")
private static appeng.api.networking.pathing.ChannelMode create(String name, int ordinal, int adHocNetworkChannels, int cableCapacityFactor){
throw new IllegalStateException();
static {
appeng.api.networking.pathing.ChannelMode NONE = create("NONE", $VALUES.length, 0, 0);
$VALUES = ArrayUtils.add($VALUES, NONE);
I would correct this by simply removing the remark, since it's (clearly) not utilized.