Applied Energistics 2

Applied Energistics 2


better 4x gui compattibility

camtastic03 opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Describe the feature

make it so the gui can stretch farther/off the screen when changing the ae2 crafting terminal size. its hard for me to see the inv if im not on 4x gui but if i try to use ae2 the gui dosent change size with 4x gui. RS has this featrue why cant ae2?

Reasons why it should be considered

ae2 needs this feature for better accessibility.

Additional details

check out RS gui with 4x gui to see a example


i use 1920x1080 i have tried all the settings, i get only 2 rows

i am in fullscreen mode

i'll grab a pic


which screen resolution do you use?
and do you use the correct terminal setting (you probably want Terminal Style: Full-Height Terminal)
on 1080p fullscreen and 4x GUI scale,
I get 6 rows on ae2 (Terminal Style: Full-Height Terminal)
and 7 rows on rs (Size: Stretch)

if you are playing in windowed mode, you might loose one or two additional rows to the taskbar and window decoration, but I don't think that will make a difference between the two mods

ae2 also leaves some margins for recipe viewers, which you can disable in the client config, that would likely give you 2 or 3 additional rows, but it seems like rs does that too

rs's crafting area seems like it is slightly shorter, allowing it to fit one more row in the same space


ah right, it might have changed a bit with the texture rework, I was testing on 1.20.4 since that was the latest version rs was available

but it should be possible to get at least one more row (maybe even 2) by removing the top and bottom margin in ae2's client config



what show i change?


change terminalMargin = 25 to terminalMargin = 0


you can also try negative values, that might give you even more space at the cost of going outside of the screen (tho I am not sure if that actually works, I don't really trust that comment to be correct)