Arcane Essentials (Electroblob's Wizardry)

Arcane Essentials (Electroblob's Wizardry)


0.9.2 class not found exception on dedicated server causing crashes

kreezxil opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Update wizardry to 4.2.5.


And disable whirlpool and the splash/sploosh family of spells for now.
That's very odd, it should be fixed in the next update.


Any update on getting a fix for this Particle use on server side?


Yep, it's out!


Same error here!! And if you remove the mod the server still crash
Would be so glad if u fix it asap, because now my server it's buged, thanks


you know @Isaakk if you remove the mod and the server is still crashing, you my friend have yet another mod causing the crash. Please attach your server crash reports so that the rest of us can help you to know who else to which you should report.


Nope, it is not another mod, it's because when I delete the mod I have to do that /fml confirm, and somethings yet weird, As I said before my log its identical to your log, the entity whirlpool thing.

Edit: Downgrading to 0.9.1 Worked as a workaround.