Could not get BlockColors from ColorHandlerRegistry
XiLaiTL opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Forge provide the handleBlockColor(ColorHandlerEvent.Block event) and we could get BlockColors registered by event.getBlockColors().getColor()
Fabric provide the ColorProviderRegistry.BLOCK.get(state).getColor()
However, I can't get the BlockColors which has been registered from ColorHandlerRegistry.
I think you can just use the ones in Minecraft itself, is it not possible?
I wanna register the color that has been registered by other block. Like this code below (fabric):
ColorProviderRegistry.BLOCK.register((state, view, pos, tintIndex) -> { BlockColor blockColor = ColorProviderRegistry.BLOCK.get(state1.getBlock()); if (blockColor == null) return 0xFFFFFFFF; return blockColor.getColor(state1, view, pos, tintIndex) }, BLOCK.get());
How can I use the ones in Minecraft itself in the example to get BlockColor of state1?