Architectury API

Architectury API


[Fluids] ArchitecturyFlowingFluid cannot be accessed from outside package

Slexom opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Moving to architecury fluid api, I'm extending ArchitecturyFlowingFluid because I need to override some method.
The resulting class is this.
I'm receiving the following error on calling super inside the constructor:

'ArchitecturyFlowingFluid(dev.architectury.core.fluid.ArchitecturyFluidAttributes)' is not public in 'dev.architectury.core.fluid.ArchitecturyFlowingFluid'. Cannot be accessed from outside package

I don't think you should be using the constructor of ArchitecturyFlowingFluid directly, rather than subclassing the Source and Flowing subclasses individually (which both have public constructors)

May I ask what use case you have for specifically subclassing the base class?


As you can see from the gist I've linked, I need to subclass ArchitecturyFlowingFluid to override flow and canBeReplacedWith methods.

If there is another way to do it, please point it to me. I've seen that the fluid attributes cover most of the configuration needed, but have not found something for the mentioned methods.