Architectury API

Architectury API


Can't place bucketable entities in forge module

finallion opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I'm using the multiloader setupin two different projects and noticed that I can't place entites in a bucket, like tropical fish or axolotl.
I have nothing in code that should affect this, and to be honest I don't know if it is an issue with Architectury. I encountered the issue only when using forge inside architectury.

When placing in the multiloader setup, this method returns false, while in a native forge enviroment, it skips it and runs the logic to place the entity in the world.

In BucketItem
public boolean emptyContents(@Nullable PlayerEntity arg, World arg2, BlockPos arg3, @Nullable BlockHitResult arg4, @Nullable ItemStack container) { if (!(this.fluid instanceof FlowableFluid)) { return false; } ... }

This happens only in the devolpment enviroment. When the forge mod is built, its fine.
