PlayerEvent.PlayerClone reversed parameters on Fabric.
RedPxnda opened this issue ยท 2 comments
As the title says, the player clone event reversed the parameters specifically on fabric. Forge still works fine.
Fabric's Player Clone Event Mixin:
@Inject(method = "copyFrom", at = @At("TAIL"))
private void onCopyFrom(ServerPlayer oldPlayer, boolean alive, CallbackInfo ci) {
ServerPlayerEvents.COPY_FROM.invoker().copyFromPlayer(oldPlayer, (ServerPlayer) (Object) this, alive);
private void restoreFrom(ServerPlayer serverPlayer, boolean bl, CallbackInfo ci) {
PlayerEvent.PLAYER_CLONE.invoker().clone((ServerPlayer) (Object) this, serverPlayer, bl);
Edit: fixed code blocks
This was fixed in b1e7c89